Assistente de IA generativa capaz de conversar sobre os mais variados assuntos com os seus utilizadores. Pode fazer pesquisas, criar textos originais, traduzir, resolver problemas matemáticos, construir e corrigir códigos de programação.
Study Fetch transforma as suas apresentações, aulas, anotações da aula e guias de estudo em ferramentas de estudo com IA, como flashcards, quizzes e testes, com um tutor de IA ao seu lado.
Create images from words using Image Creator in Bing. Write a prompt of what AI image you'd like to create and see our text-to-image generator do the work for you. You can also explore others' images and old images you've created.
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Embed HTML
Many sites and online services, like Google Maps, suggest HTML code (usually iframes) to embed widgets and content on your page.
You can add such HTML widgets in your quizzes.
Please note:
In case pasted code is not just iframe tag it will be wrapped into HTTPS iframe.
Only HTTPS sources for iframes, styles and javascript links are supported.
Non-HTTPS sources will be blocked by the browser and won't behave properly.